Inputs and Outputs

Inputs and Outputs

The only input is a path to a .fasta file that you want to analyze. This file should include the genomic sequences of interest.

Once the analysis is complete, HIVIntact will generate four output files:

Filename Description
errors.json This file contains associations between sequences and their identified defects.
orfs.json This file contains associations between sequences and their identified Open Reading Frames (ORFs).
intact.fasta This file contains a list of sequences with no fatal defects identified. These sequences are considered putative intact genomes.
nonintact.fasta This file contains a list of sequences with identified defects. These sequences are not considered putative intact genomes.
blast.csv This file contains output from BLASTN software. It is produced conditionally.

If you pass the --output-csv option to HIVIntact, the output format will be .csv instead of .json.

Here is an example of the contents of the errors.csv file:

sequence_name error message
KX505501.1 DeletionInOrf ORF pol at 2084-5096 can have maximum deletions 30, got 2892
KX505501.1 RevResponseElementDeletion Query Sequence exceeds maximum deletion tolerance in RRE. Contains 35 deletions with max tolerance of 20 deletions.
MN691959 InternalStopInOrf Smaller ORF vpu at 6060-6309 contains an internal stop codon
MK114856.1 APOBECHypermutationDetected Query sequence shows evidence of APOBEC3F/G-mediated hypermutation (p = 3.639064030015132e-65).
MK116110.1 PackagingSignalDeletion Query Sequence exceeds maximum deletion tolerance in PSI. Contains 93 deletions with max tolerance of 10 deletions.