Viewing and Interpreting Outputs

This document is intended to guide you through understanding and utilizing the output files produced by the proviral pipeline. Once the analysis has completed successfully, you will find several files in your working directory that summarize and detail different aspects of the processing. In this guide, we walk you through each output file, explain the information contained within, provide troubleshooting tips, and offer suggestions for further analysis.

The proviral pipeline produces a collection of output files that capture the status of sample processing from primer detection, alignment, gene splicing, and quality control. These files allow you to:

  • Assess whether sample sequences passed quality control (QC)
  • Determine reasons for sample failure or error
  • Prepare data for downstream analysis and visualization
  • Examine detailed log information in case troubleshooting is required

These output files are created in the current working directory, assuming that you followed previous instructions. Most of them are of the spreadsheet format, which means that they can be opened with Excel or even Notepad.

Output Files

Below is an explanation of each key output file:


This file provides an overall summary for each sample.


This file includes columns such as sample, run, passed, error, reference, seqlen, seqtype, and additional fields reporting primer errors (if any). Here is what some columns mean:

  • sample: Unique identifier of the sample.
  • run: Run name (often derived from the input metadata).
  • passed: Indicates if the sample’s QC criteria have been met (True/False).
  • error: A summarized error message if no valid sequence was identified. Possible error codes include:

    • no contig/conseq constructed
    • sequence is non-hiv
    • primer error (which may include sub–errors like primer was not found, primer failed validation, or low end read coverage)
    • low coverage
    • multiple contigs
    • hiv but failed

    For details on these refer to the Error codes page.

  • reference: reference sequence to which this sample was aligned.
  • seqlen: length of the sample sequence.
  • seqtype: whether the “conseq” or “contig” version of the sample sequence was analyzed.
  • is_rev_comp: A flag (set to “Y” or “N”) indicating whether the pipeline had to flip (reverse complement) the input sequence in order to successfully find valid primer matches.
  • fwd_err: A text field that holds an error message (or is blank) describing what went wrong when searching for the expected forward primer (e.g. if it was missing or did not meet quality criteria).
  • rev_err: Similarly, a text field reporting the error (if any) encountered when attempting to locate and validate the reverse primer at the 3’ end of the sequence.

Interpretation tips

Compare the status of individual samples. For instance, if a sample did not pass, check the error column to see if the failure was due to primer issues or insufficient read coverage.


sample run passed error reference seqtype is_rev_comp seqlen sequence fwd_err rev_err
a_S160 test True   1-1-HIV1-B-FR-K03455-seed conseqs N 9016.0 GGGACCT…    
b_S159 test True   1-1-HIV1-B-FR-K03455-seed conseqs N 8885.0 CGAAAGA…    
c_S158 test False multiple contigs              
d_S157 test True   1-1-HIV1-B-FR-K03455-seed conseqs N 9008.0 GGGACCT…    
e_S156 test True   1-1-HIV1-B-FR-K03455-seed conseqs N 4419 CGAAAGA…    
f_S155 test True   1-1-HIV1-B-FR-K03455-seed conseqs N 9004.0 GGGACCT…    
g_S154 test False sequence is non-hiv              
h_S153 test True   1-1-HIV1-B-FR-K03455-seed conseqs N 8989.0 CGAAAGA…    
i_S137 test False primer error 1-1-HIV1-B-FR-K03455-seed conseq N 8827.0 AGAATTG… primer failed validation  

conseqs_primers.csv and contigs_primers.csv

These files provide a detailed analysis of primer matching for both consensus sequences (conseqs) and assembled contigs.


In addition to reporting the sample, run, and error, these files contain:

  • fwd_error and rev_error: Further details if the forward or reverse primer search failed.
  • Primer-specific columns:
    • canonical_primer_seq: The expected primer sequence.
    • sample_primer_seq: The sequence identified in the sample.
    • Positional details such as sample_primer_start, sample_primer_end, and the computed primer sizes.
    • Converted positions relative to the HXB2 reference (e.g., hxb2_sample_primer_start).

Interpretation Tips

Look for missing or mismatched primer sequences which may indicate issues with the sample or alignment. If a reverse complement had to be used (noted via an is_rev_comp flag), consider whether that may affect downstream processing.


run_name   sample   reference                 error                 sequence   seqlen   nmixtures   is_rev_comp   fwd_error                  fwd_canonical_primer_seq   fwd_sample_primer_seq   fwd_sample_primer_start   fwd_sample_primer_end   fwd_sample_primer_size   fwd_hxb2_sample_primer_start   fwd_hxb2_sample_primer_end   rev_error                  rev_canonical_primer_seq   rev_sample_primer_seq   rev_sample_primer_start   rev_sample_primer_end   rev_sample_primer_size   rev_hxb2_sample_primer_start   rev_hxb2_sample_primer_end
test       a_S160   1-HIV1-B-FR-K03455-seed                         AAAGC...   9022                 N                                        CCGAA...                   CCGAA...                0                         18                      18                       648                            666                                                     CCGAA...                   CCGAA...                28                        50                      22                       9603                           9625
test       b_S159   1-HIV1-B-FR-K03455-seed                         AAAGC...   8891                 N                                        CCGAA...                   CCGAA...                0                         6                       6                        660                            666                                                     CCGAA...                   CCGAA...                28                        50                      22                       9603                           9625
test       c_S158   1-HIV1-B-FR-K03455-seed                         AAAGC...   5848                 N             primer failed validation                                                                                                                                                                                                                        CCGAA...                   CCGAA...                28                        50                      22                       9603                           9625
test       c_S158   2-HIV1-B-FR-K03455-seed                         AAAGC...   3338                 N                                        CCGAA...                   CCGAA...                0                         6                       6                        660                            666                          primer failed validation
test       d_S157   1-HIV1-B-FR-K03455-seed                         AAAGC...   9013                 N                                        CCGAA...                   CCGAA...                0                         22                      22                       644                            666                                                     CCGAA...                   CCGAA...                33                        50                      17                       9603                           9620
test       e_S156   1-HIV1-B-FR-K03455-seed                         AAAGC...   4420                 N                                        CCGAA...                   CCGAA...                0                         6                       6                        660                            666                                                     CCGAA...                   CCGAA...                28                        50                      22                       9603                           9625
test       f_S155   1-HIV1-B-FR-K03455-seed                         AAAGC...   9014                 N                                        CCGAA...                   CCGAA...                0                         22                      22                       644                            666                                                     CCGAA...                   CCGAA...                28                        50                      22                       9603                           9625
test       g_S154   1-unknown                 sequence is non-hiv   AAAGC...   3939                 N
test       g_S154   2-unknown                 sequence is non-hiv   AAAGC...   5265                 N
test       h_S153   1-HIV1-B-FR-K03455-seed                         AAAGC...   8995                 N                                        CCGAA...                   CCGAA...                0                         6                       6                        660                            666                                                     CCGAA...                   CCGAA...                28                        50                      22                       9603                           9625
test       i_S137   1-HIV1-B-FR-K03455-seed                         AAAGC...   8837                 N             primer failed validation                                                                                                                                                                                                                        CCGAA...                   CCGAA...                29                        50                      21                       9603                           9624


This file summarizes the results from the secondary analysis tools (either HIVSeqinR or CFEIntact). It contains a merged and quality–controlled summary of sample sequences after primer exclusion.


Consists of the final “clean” sequences that passed QC. Additional columns include:

  • sample: Unique identifier of the sample.
  • sequence: The final, possibly trimmed sequence.
  • MyVerdict: Name of the most serious genomic defect found in the sequence, or Intact if no defects found.
  • x1, psi_sl1, gag, pol, protease, …: Extracted sequences for individual HIV genes, ORFs and non-coding regions.


sample   sequence   MyVerdict                   x1        psi_sl1   psi_sl2   psi_sl3   psi_sl4   gag       pol       protease   rt        integrase   vif       vpr       tat_exon1   rev_exon1   d4        x2        vpu       env       gp120     gp41      tat_exon2   rev_exon2   x3        nef       ltr3
a_S160   CGGC...    Hypermut                    GTAA...   GAAA...   TGTC...   AAAT...   ACGG...   CTTT...   TTGG...   GCCC...    ACCG...   AAGC...     CGTG...   TTCC...   GCCC...     AATT...     CACG...   CGAT...   TCGC...   GCTA...   CCGT...   GGTG...   GCAC...     ATTA...     AAGT...   CTCT...   CTCG...
b_S159   AGAA...    5DEFECT_GagNoATGGagPassed   TTCC...                                 CGTG...   ACTC...   ACTT...   GGGT...    CGGC...   ACCT...     CGCT...   GCCA...   ACAG...     AAAG...     AGAT...   CCCA...   TAGT...   TCTG...   CGCC...   GAGT...   CGAT...     ACAT...     CTGA...   ACCC...   CGGG...
c_S157   GATG...    5DEFECT                     TCAT...   CGCG...   GTTC...   CTCA...   GGTC...   GTAG...   TCAC...   AGCG...    GTGA...   GTGG...     ATAA...   CAAG...   TCAC...     GAAA...     GAGC...   AGAT...   CCTT...   TATT...   GAAT...   CTGG...   AGAT...     TCGG...     GATC...   GCTG...   GGCC...
d_S156   GTGA...    LargeDeletion               CTAA...   ATTC...   ACTA...   ATCA...   CGGC...   GGCG...   CGAA...   TGGC...    TCGA...   TAAA...                                                                                                                                                         ATCC...
e_S155   CAGC...    Hypermut                    CGGG...   CCTT...   TCAC...   GTAG...   AAGT...   TATG...   GTCG...   ATGC...    GACA...   TATA...     TGGT...   GACG...   ATGC...     TTCT...     ATAC...   ATGC...   TTGT...   GATG...   GCAT...   TTGT...   CGCG...     TGAC...     ACCG...   ATGT...   CACT...
f_S153   GTGT...    Intact                      CGTT...   TCAC...   CCAC...   CCTA...   CATT...   TACG...   AGGG...   GACG...    CTTC...   GTTT...     ATCC...   GTCG...   GACT...     CTAA...     AGGT...   GCAA...   TAGC...   CGTT...   AACT...   CGAC...   GCAT...     CCGC...     TCTG...   GGGC...   AATC...


This file contains the information needed to visualize the structure and defects of proviral genomes. In particular, you will find details on genomic coordinates and flags that indicate whether a sequence region is inverted or defective.


This is a spreadsheet file, where each row describes a “fragment” of a sample’s sequence. Usually, one sequence corresponds to one fragment.

The columns of the spreadsheet are:

  • ref_start and ref_end: The genomic coordinates (relative to the reference genome) marking the beginning and end of an aligned fragment.
  • samp_name and run_name: Identifiers that indicate the sample and the run from which the fragment originates.
  • is_inverted and is_defective: Flags to indicate if the fragment is inverted (i.e. the alignment is in the reverse orientation) or if it has been judged as defective (anything other than Intact).
  • defect: The type of defect as determined by HIVSeqinR or CFEIntact.

Interpretation Tips

This CSV file is designed to aid in the creation of genomic landscape plots. For example, you can use the coordinate data (ref_start and ref_end) to map each fragment onto the HIV genome, while the defect and flag columns provide insight into the quality or abnormal structure of each sequence segment.

We have also developed a dedicated visualization tool that automatically generates plots based on the contents of proviral_landscape.csv. The tool produces images similar to the example below:

example landscape plot

If you are interested in comparing data across multiple runs, you can combine individual proviral_landscape.csv files from different experiments. To do this, simply copy and paste all the rows from each file into a single spreadsheet (ensuring that the column names remain consistent) and save the combined table as a new CSV file. You can then upload this file to the visualization tool to generate an integrated landscape plot.

Researchers may also use tools like R or Python’s matplotlib to handle the data contained in this file.


samp_name   run_name   ref_start   ref_end   defect                is_inverted   is_defective
s_S37       test       671         9574      APOBECHypermutation                 True
s_S61       test       671         7888      LongDeletion                        True
s_S61       test       9537        9574      LongDeletion                        True
s_S73       test       668         9574      APOBECHypermutation                 True
s_S49       test       671         9575      Intact                              False
s_S74       test       671         9574      APOBECHypermutation                 True
s_S4        test       671         9574      APOBECHypermutation                 True
s_S40       test       671         9574      APOBECHypermutation                 True
s_S52       test       671         9574      APOBECHypermutation                 True
s_S64       test       671         7623      LongDeletion                        True
s_S64       test       9411        9574      LongDeletion                        True
s_S17       test       671         9574      APOBECHypermutation                 True
s_S41       test       671         9574      APOBECHypermutation                 True


This archive contains detailed, low–level output from the secondary analysis tools (either HIVSeqinR or CFEIntact).


Once extracted, you will find:

  • More information about proviral defects.
  • Detailed alignment logs.
  • Intermediate result files, possibly including full SAM files and blast output.
  • Additional scripts or configuration logs (for example, minimap2.log and gene_splicer.log).


Consult these results if you need to troubleshoot unusual failures or study the precise steps that led to a sample failing QC.

Troubleshooting and Next Steps

When reviewing the output files, consider the following troubleshooting steps:

  • If a sample fails (e.g., error = no contig/conseq constructed or primer error):

    • Make sure that you used the expected primers during sequences. They are very specific to the Proviral Pipeline.
    • Verify that your input files (e.g., contigs.csv, conseqs.csv, cascade.csv) are correctly formatted and complete.
    • Check the log files (minimap2.log, gene_splicer.log) within the output directories to identify errors during alignment or primer detection.
    • If you observe issues like low internal read coverage or low end read coverage, consider whether the sample data had insufficient reads or poor–quality sequences.
  • Consult Further Documentation:

    For details on specific error codes and primer filtering logic, refer to the Error codes and Filtering workflow documentation.

  • Submit a question to the developers of the Proviral Pipeline:

    If you are suspecting that the pipeline is not operating as expected, then please create an issue on our GitHub page about it. We will see it and try to help.

Advanced Analysis and Visualization

For downstream analysis or integration into larger workflows, here are some suggestions:

  • Statistical Summaries and Study Analysis: Use the outputs of the module to obtain participant–level or run–level summaries that can inform overall study quality.

  • Visualization: Use programs such as R, Python (pandas/matplotlib), or genome browsers to map proviral_landscape.csv data onto the HIV genome.

  • Integration with Other Tools: The table_precursor.csv output is designed to be compatible with subsequent bioinformatics pipelines. Check with your downstream analysis tools to confirm requirements.

  • Archiving and Reproducibility: Maintain a copy of both the output files and associated log files to reproduce any unexpected results or facilitate audits.

In summary, the proviral pipeline’s outputs are designed to give you a clear picture of sample quality and underlying sequence characteristics — from detailed primer analyses to a final, combined output ready for further analysis or upload. By carefully reviewing each output file and consulting the troubleshooting tips provided above, you should be well-equipped to proceed with downstream research or troubleshooting.

Happy analyzing!